
Thursday, January 26, 2012

E poi un giorno dal nulla la Landlord...

... mi manda questa mail:
Hope all is well with you. I received a call from the management company and said that there is a lot of noise coming from your unit at different times of the day. Not quite sure what that is but maybe we can be a bit more conscientious to this. Thank you in advance.
Non potevo non rispondere:
I appreciate your notification and take it as a sign of extreme caring and reciprocal understanding and treatment by our neighborhood.

We do have kids, who are just kids, and might not be aware of other's noise threshold level; we can work on that and have them be kids in the most suitable and isolated room of the house and with the best possible awareness of their volume and of the limits of their surroundings in terms of noise containment.

For sure a better understanding of the nature and location of the "noise" and "at different times of the day" might help us pointing out the cause for it and find the most incisive solution or mitigating effects (For the most part of the school days kids are at school and the house is empty, often also in the weekends).

Anyway, we'll make sure your warning is taken into the highest consideration possible.

Thanks and best regards
Ricevendo questo di ritorno:
Thank you so much for your consideration...much appreciated.
Sto gia' preparando un bel piano di propaganda anti-discriminatoria e anti-razzista.
Rissa! Rissa! Rissa!
Sento gia' Mameli incitare...

stringiamci a coorte
siam pronti alla morte
siam pronti alla morte
l'Italia chiamo'!


  1. forse di notte russi troppo forte!!!

    barbara f.

  2. Ellamiseria!!!!! Ma che si rilassassero un po'....
    Roberta A.

  3. non รจ che Big Papi preso dai supereroi della Marvel si lancia dall'alto del lampadario direttamente sul letto vestito del solo mantello rosso fuoco?


  4. ... ehm ... veramente si parla di "at different times of the day" e Big Papi lavora in quello slot.
    Pero' potrebbe essere un utile esercizio spingersi piu' in la', anche solo per qualche speculazione maliziosa e gossippara!!!
